When I saw this floor length, long sleeve, sheer floral dress at Living Doll LA Plus I thought perhaps it was a mirage. This dress is absolutely the thing my dreams are made of. I literally own 5 sheer floral kimonos, because I am a crazy person, and this is pretty much the queen of all kimonos. You can wear it unbottoned as such, or you can button it up and throw on a little slip underneath or don't if you're a bad bitch. I put on this dress and immediately felt glamorous and effortless and easy and breezy and totally fucking fantastic. I wasn't having a good hair day, I was totally exhausted and I had woken up late...but none of that mattered because this dress completely transformed my mood and perception of myself.
That's what I love most about fashion, a great outfit has the ability to alter the way you feel in your skin that day. As a plus size girl, or any girl for that matter, it is important to find new ways to boost your confidence and love yourself every day. It's so easy to beat yourself up and get stuck in a rut, I know because I've been doing that a lot lately. But the reality is I'm too old to let these things overwhelm me and drag me down, I'd rather take charge and find a way to fix my negative feelings. So that's what I'll be doing for the next few months, fixing all the feels. And I'm going to use this dream dress of mine every chance I get.
Dress: Living Doll LA Plus, Strappy Bodycon: New Look Inspire, Boots: Forever21 (similar), Hair: my mother & the earth